EVENTS and EXPOSITIONS / Fuori Salone 2016 / 2017 / 2018
Garibaldi Connection Milan

Alice and Carlotta

Over the last three editions of Fuorisalone (the series of initiatives and events held in Milan during the international Design Fair), within the Garibaldi Connection of Milan (a location for events, art exhibitions in the heart of Via Sarpi’s design district) we worked at the set-up of several stands to present initiatives and showcase this particular space.
In 2016 the theme of the event was ‘jam session’, created to present the small armchair called ‘jam’. On this occasion we prepared the area with a set of canvases and panels that would recall the keyboard of a piano. We called this visual system “Blue Note” and composed it around different tones of blue.

In 2017, as a perfect backdrop to OneTwoThree (a line of indoor and outdoor sofas and armchairs), we created a visual contrast that could harmonise with the product: in one corner of the location we created, on the first wall, an ideal pattern for a warm and welcoming spaces, arranged around tones of gold and clay. We conceived the second wall instead as an open window on an imaginary jungle.

Gouache Italy

Finally in 2018, we curated the concept and the set up with Cristina Prinetti (designer and owner of the location) and Franca Paolucci (garden designer)

Gouache Milan

The project, called ‘Bosco Orizzonatale’ [Horizontal Forest] for its strong and continuous references to the themes of nature and eco-sustainability, was enhanced by several installations made from plants and shrubs and by the Gauche Panther, a striking visual set, elegant in its shape and colours, tribute to the designer Enzo Mari.

Interior wall art

cominciamo a parlarne?

GOUACHE WALL ART COMPANY - ALICE GUAZZO  - MILANO - info@gouache.it - +39.338.975.3165 - P. IVA: 03382240962